30 Days of Prayer & Micro Character-Building Questions

(December 3 – January 1, 2024)

  1. Ask God to reveal to you where you are making micro compromises?

  2. Ask God to give you micro consistency to get one percent better in godly character?

  3. Have you insisted on having it your own way?

  4. Have you talked about someone in a negative way?

  5. Are you angry with someone or withholding forgiveness from someone?

  6. Have your words and attitude reflected Christ this week?

  7. Have you micro compromised sexual purity in your relationships, in what you look at, in how you dress?

  8. Are you honoring God with how you handle your time, finances, and responsibilities?

  9. How are you showing love and care for your family?

  10. Is there an area of your life in which you are fighting discouragement or allowing someone to rob your joy?

  11. Who's salvation are you praying for? With whom are you sharing your faith?

  12. What blessings are you grateful for today?